Non-Surgical Chin Enhancement

The chin is an important feature of the lower third of the face. A strong chin adds beautiful definition to your face and balance to the other facial features.
Dermal fillers  can be strategically placed  to non surgically enhance the chin,  sharpening the jawline and balancing the profile of the face. 

The Frontal View 

The rules of Thirds  Maintaining your face in 1/3 proportions enhances aesthetic appeal

The lower third of the face  is from the base of the nose to the apex of the chin. When the chin is short there is loss of this of proportion. 



Chin fillers when injected at the apex of the chin can  lengthen the chin and enhances the lower 1/3 of one’s face. This also helps in creating the popular oval V- shaped face which studies have shown to be most aesthetically pleasing.


The Profile View 

An easy way to check proportion, is to use a align a straight object e.g. a pen,  to your nose and chin. The ideal projection is when the  pen touches the tip of your nose, lower lip and chin. If it does not, chin fillers can fill out and bring the chin forward, creating more projection. A stronger chin will make the face look more proportionate and beautiful.

Short or recessed chins can easily be treated. Dermal fillers can help to enhance the proportion of a chin without having to undergo plastic surgery. This enhancement is easily done within 10-15 mins and is a simple procedure with zero downtime.


It is one of the least painful areas to treat with dermal filler so patients tolerate the procedure very well. We often use numbing gel before your treatment to numb the area before injecting to further reduce discomfort.


We generally use 1 ml of dermal filler initially before reassessing in 2-3 weeks. Sometimes patients then choose to have slightly more.

Why choose Jeunesse MedSpa® for your chin enhancement?   

At Jeunesse MedSpa®, our doctors have over a decade of experience in facial sculpting. They  carefully assess your face and work with artistic brilliance to sculpt those facial features you desire using only the latest, most advanced techniques with Dermal filler  injectables. 

Who better to trust than one of the most experienced providers in New Zealand of  non surgical chin enhancement , the doctors at Jeunesse MedSpa®… experience you can trust. Contact us to find out more about this simple  procedure to restore your facial balance.


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    • Double Chin Treatment

    • Wrinkle Reducers

    • Dermal Fillers

    • Energy Based Therapy – Hair Removal & Skin Rejuvenation

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    • Sexual Rejuvenation – The O-Shot® & Priapus Shot®

    • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

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