Jeunesse MedSpa® | September 11, 2017 | no responses |
Generally speaking, less invasive treatments are first line followed by more invasive options. Some strategies include
Any or all of these, may help you deal with incontinence but now the O-Shot® can be used to mend and strengthen urinary tissue and muscle and treat both types of incontinence. Platelet rich plasma(PRP) offers a simple and effective solution to female urinary incontinence. Let the power of emerging regenerative medical procedures work for you to solve this progressive condition. Any woman that struggles with urinary incontinence knows that it is one of those dreaded conditions of aging that you would rather never experience, and it is one that seems rather hopeless. But, you don’t have to suffer, you don’t have struggle – the O-Shot® treats urinary incontinence effectively.
Most women experience some form of relief from urinary incontinence in a week or two following the O-Shot® and improvement continues over several weeks. Successful results include the reduced or eliminated need for medications to treat urinary incontinence or a complete resolution of the condition.
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