Although pigmentation is a natural and unavoidable part of ageing, you can take steps to minimise its effects.
Use a broad-spectrum moisturiser that protects you from the sun. Don’t just leave the sun cream for the summer holiday – wear a daily SPF, especially on the face, ideally a minimum of 30+. For women, there are plenty of foundations that also have SPF built in, but a quality mineral-based sunscreen will protect your face and can be worn under make up too.
Leave any spots, scabs and lesions alone to prevent scratching and damaging the skin surface. By disturbing the skin cells, you are causing them to react and leave a mark.
Regular dermal therapy in clinic treatments can rid the body of dull skin cells and moisturising afterwards can help the skin become more resistant to scratches, etc.
Though there is no evidence to suggest a link with diet, it goes without saying that good skin does come from within. A healthy and balanced diet, crammed with antioxidants, should enable your skin to better protect itself whilst making you feel and look great.
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